Mediterr J Rheumatol 2021;32(4):338-44
Juvenile Reactive Arthritis and other Spondyloarthritides of Childhood: A 28-year Experience from India
Πληροφορίες Συγγραφέων

Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India

L Gupta, Naveen R, S Ahmed, A Zanwar, DP Misra, A Lawrence, V Agarwal, R Misra, A Aggarwal


Objectives: Understanding of Juvenile reactive arthritis (jReA) and other spondyloarthritides of childhood (jSpA) is limited to small case series. Since most of them have speculated pathogenic origins in the gut, we compared and contrasted jReA with other jSpA -Enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) and undifferentiated SpA (jUSpA). Methods: A record-based medical data review of jReA, and jUSpA was compared with cohort data of ERA collected for other studies. Data are presented as median (interquartile range) and non-parametric tests used for analysis. Results: Of 179 juvenile SpA (61 jReA; 101 ERA; and 17 jUSpA), 61 had jReA [M:F-52:9; 15.5 (12-18) years] with a disease duration of 2.75(1-36) months. Inflammatory backache IBP (32%), dactylitis (21%) and enthesitis (29%) were common. A significant proportion (14 of 17, 82.3% at >6 months follow-up) had a chronic course. 101 ERA [M:F-93:7; age-16(14-20) years] had a longer disease duration (45 vs 2.75 months, p<0.001), as compared with jReA. Enthesitis and IBP was more common in ERA (OR-2.3 and 3.4 respectively). jUSpA (n=17) had a similar clinico-laboratory profile and exhibited significant (7 of 17, 58.3%) chronicity over 9.5(4.8-37) months follow-up. Conclusion: jReA and jSpA exhibit similar features apart from varying disease duration, suggesting that jspA may form a continuum with similar clinico-laboratory profiles plausibly due to shared pathogenesis.

Article Submitted: 12 Dec 2021; Revised Form: 20 May 2021; Article Accepted: 30 May 2021; Available Online: 27 Dec 2021


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 

©Gupta L, Naveen R, Ahmed S, Zanwar A, Misra DP, Lawrence A, Agarwal V, Misra R, Aggarwal A.